The Conejo Valley Fly Fishers Invite Your Membership (or renewal) Just print out this online form, complete it экскурсия на развод мостов в СПб, and mail with you check payable to "Conejo Valley Fly Fishers" to the address below. Click here to return to homepage |
New Member_____ Renewal_____
Name _____________________________________________ Other family member names ________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ City ______________________________ State ______ Zip __________ Occupation ________________________________________ Home phone number ___________________ Work phone number ___________________ Email address __________________@________________ Cell phone number ___________________
I wish to help in the following:
Annual club dues
are $50.00 per family living at the same address. Membership is on a
calendar year basis. New members joining in the last quarter have their
membership extended through the following year. There is a one time
additional fee of $10.00 for name badges. Please indicate if you would like
additional name badges for family members and include $10
for each. Student
(under 18) dues are $10.00 per year.
Make checks payable to Conejo Valley Fly Fishers and mail application and check to: Conejo Valley Fly Fishers, 2970 Diana Court Newbury Park, CA 91320 - 3115 rev 12-00 |