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Baetis Cripple

Materials List:
Hook - Tiemco 900BL or 100 dry fly #16-20
Thread - gray 8/0
Tail - tan or olive antron
Abdomen - gray thread
Wing - dun hackle fibers
Hackle - dun hackle
Tying Instructions:
- Wrap thread and tie in antron trailing shuck.
- Wrap thin tapered body.
- Clip fibers from a wide (spade) hackle and tie on lengthwise on the hook. Wrap several
turns under the eye end of the hackle to rase it up. Clip as shown in picture.
- Tie in conventional hackle. Do not clip as this fly floats on its side.
- Finish head and cement.
Alt Tying: Try olive body and shuck.
Comments : Fish seem to like this fly as it is an easy meal when
adults are on the water. It is hard to see in the water so try it behind a more visable
Adams or other baetis dun imitation.
Pattern by: Found this one in shop in Provo. Similar to Quigley Cripple
except the down wing is hackle instead of deer hair.