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"Bugs Midge Pupa "
Materials List:
Hook - Daiichi 1130 Sizes 20 / 22 / 24
Micro Ultra Chenille - White
Alt chenille colors - Brown, "Wine", Tan
6/0 or 8/0 Uni Thread - White and Black
Alt thread to match chenille
Tying Instructions:
1. Secure thread at head.
2. Wrap thread back part way down bend.
3. Tie in Micro Ultra Chenille with 1/16" extending past bend to form tail.
4. Wrap thread forward winding thread doubled around the Chenille forward.
5. Tie off and trim Chenille behind eye of hook.
6. Tie in black thread and build-up thread to form a uniform Head then whip finish.
7. Heat Chenille end to form a pointed tail.
Alt Tying:
Use only black thread and use it as a rib for the
chenille body and to form head.
Mike says "Just us it as a dropper as any pupa drag it close to the bottom as
Pattern by: Mike Parker of Bugs'R'uS
Bugs'R'uS provides hand tied flies for the San Juan River and for New
Mexico Lakes. Check our their website at http://www.bugsrus-nm.com/
for information on ordering special fly packages, fishing tips,
and more.