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Jimmy Toy Special

#22 Jimmy Special - tied by Bill Becher
Materials List:
Hook - Tiemco 900BL or 100 #20-22
Thread - Black 8/0
Tail - none
Abdomen - thread
Thorax - thread
Wing - CDC
Hackle - Black (optional)
Head - Thread
Tying Instructions:
- Wrap slim thread body.
- Attach CDC tuft or strip CDC barbs from larger feather, wrap, fold back feather and wrap.
- Wrap a couple of turns of hackle and trim bottom
Alt Tying: Forget the hackle. Try various shades of light CDC (Tan,
White, Light Dun, etc.). Try brown or dark gray body. A few strands of brown Antron
as a trailing shuck?
Comments : A great midge pattern. If you have trouble seeing it, use it
as a second fly behind a larger indicator dry such as large Griffith's Gnat or Fuzzball to
imitate clustering midges. As with any CDC pattern, don't use floatant. A dry powder
desiccant works well with CDC.
Pattern by: Jimmy Toy