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Silver Tung Baetis Nymph

Materials List:
Hook - Tiemco 2457 scud or other heavy wire scud #16
Thread - brown
Tail - rust antron
Abdomen - thread
Rib - silver wire
Thorax - muskrat dubbing
Tying Instructions:
- Place silver tungsten bead on hook and wrap thread to hold in place.
- Tie in antron for trailing shuck and silver thread.
- Wrap tapered thread body.
- Wrap silver wire forward to bead and tie off.
- Dub collar of natural gray muskrat with guard hairs.
- Tie off.
Alt Tying: Try black, olive, red bodies.
Comments : We fished as a suspender under large dry such as hopper,
cicada, etc, but try deep nymphing too in any water where baetis are present. Tungsten
helps get the fly down in faster water.
Pattern by: Kevin at Trout Creek Flies